Add Show Desktop In Ubuntu 18.04 Dock

Insight: How To Add Show Desktop in Ubuntu 18.04 Dock

In this post, we are going to show you the method to bring back add show desktop icon/option in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS dock along with in Ubuntu 18.10 too.

There is no show desktop feature in GNOME 3 desktop environment but we will bring back with some easy steps.

Add Show Desktop In Ubuntu 18.04 Dock

We will take help of third party tool to bring back this feature. Run the following command to install xdotool.

sudo apt install xdotool

Now, Create a .desktop file and named it show-desktop.desktop.

gedit ~/.local/share/applications/show-desktop.desktop

In show-desktop.desktop file, you need to paste the following details. Copy below entries and paste it.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Show Desktop
Exec=xdotool key --clearmodifiers Super+d

Save and close the file after updating it with above entries. Now, You need to search the “Show Desktop” in application dash. After selecting, Right click -> Add to favorites and you will see it it in the dock.

Important note: It won’t work in wayland sessions

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