Linux Lite 5.6 Released

Linux Lite 5.6 Released

Linux Lite 5.6, based on the recently released Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS is now available for the download. Linux Lite is one of the popular lightweight Linux based operating system that runs well on low-end hardware.

Some of the improvements and changes that you will see on Linux Lite 5.6 are:

  1.  Default Python version is now set to Python3
  2. Lite Tweaks now has complete Brave Browser Support
  3. Updated Papirus icon theme
  4. Ships with the Linux 5.4 LTS kernel by default
  5. You can now install Linux Lite directly from Lite Welcome
  6.  “Pay what you want”

You might feel surprised to see “Pay what you want” feature. Linux Lite is always free but this option is to allow the community to contribute money to the project.

Release Announcement

Linux Lite 5.6 Final is now available for download and installation. This release includes updates to the Help Manual – our extensive, easy to follow Linux Lite guide, you can now install Linux Lite directly from Lite Welcome, an updated Papirus icon theme, 2 new features added to Lite Tweaks, the introduction of the ‘Pay what You Want’ digital download model, 7 new wallpapers, Python default version now set to Python3, and a host of bug fixes and enhancements for our target audience. If you’re coming from Windows, you’ll find this to be a solid, stable release that will help make your transition to a linux based operating system, user friendly.

Linux Lite 5.6 Released, Download Now

If you want to try Linux Lite 5.6 now then you can easily download the ISO file from the link below:

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Linux Lite 5.6 ISO


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