Ubuntu 21.04 Is Now Available To Download

Ubuntu 21.04 Is Now Available To Download

Good news for the Ubuntu lovers as Ubuntu 21.04 is now available to download from the Ubuntu website. You can download it from the link below.

Ubuntu 21.04 “Hirsute Hippo” is a short-term release that comes with Linux 5.11 kernel, the latest GNOME 3.38 point release,and many more other features like upgraded integration with Microsoft’s Active Directory.

Ubuntu 21.04 Is Now Available To Download

Some of the features that you will see on Ubuntu 21.04 “Hirsute Hippo”.

  1. It will be powered by the Linux 5.11 stable kernel.
  2. You will see GNOME 3.38 desktop as its default environment.
  3. GCC 10 is the default code compiler.
  4. Ubuntu 21.04 will use Wayland.
  5. LibreOffice 7.1
  6. Dark theme by default
  7. Private home directory feature.
  8. Python 3.9
  9. New desktop icons
  10. Linux Kernel 5.11
  11. Wayland by default

Along with the Ubuntu 21.04, All the official Ubuntu flavors are also being upgraded to the 21.04.

How To Update To Ubuntu 21.04

  1. Open the Software and Updates app.
  2. Open the Software and Updates app.
  3. You need to change the update preferences
  4. Go to the Updates section and in the Notify me of a new Ubuntu version dropdown, select the For any new version option
  5. Update the repos


  • Run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade in your terminal.
  • Install the Ubuntu update tool, by this command sudo apt install update-manager-core.
  • Upgrade with sudo do-release-upgrade.
  • You will see a message something like “Ubuntu 20.10 is now available”
  • Click on upgrade and wait for a while and you are ready to use your new Ubuntu 21.04
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Ubuntu 21.04 ISO


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