Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions In 2023

Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions In 2023

Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions In 2023

If you are using ChatGPT for regular use and need some good addons to make your job easier then this blog post is for you.

Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions In 2023

1. WebChatGPT:

If you want to have an access to the latest data from the internet using ChatGPT, then these extensions will help you. WebChatGPT extension adds relevant web results to your prompts to ChatGPT for more accurate and up-to-date conversations.

2. ChatGPT For Google:

This is an open-source extension that displays ChatGPT response alongside search engine results. Along with Google, It also shows responses alongside  Bing, DuckDuckGo, and other search engines.

3. ChatGPT Writer

With these extensions, ChatGPT Writer helps you to write entire emails and messages using ChatGPT AI.

4. Merlin ChatGPT

It helps you to get ChatGPT responses on any website by just clicking Cmd+M.

5. TweetGPT

With the help of this chrome plugin, you can generate tweets. After you install this chrome extension, you will see a robot icon under the tweet section. When you press it, a new tweet will be generated.

6. Youtube Video Summary

YouTube Video Summary with ChatGPT is a free Chrome Extension that lets you quickly access the summary of YouTube videos. This chrome plugin uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT AI technology to summarize YouTube videos.

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7. Voice control of ChatGPT

With this amazing Chrome plugin, you can add voice input for ChatGPT Prompts. It enables an extra button below the input field. When clicked, the extension will record your voice and submit your question to ChatGPT.

8. Meta Descriptions

It uses an OpenAI GPT-3 to generate SEO titles and descriptions straight from the Webflow Designer

9. Summarize

AI-powered Google Chrome extension, that instantly summarizes articles and text. This is the best extension for summarizing Articles, Blog posts, and more.

10. Engage AI

This one is an interesting plugin as it helps you to generate AI comments on Social Media sites


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