Best YUM Command Examples For Everyone

Best YUM Command Examples For Everyone

List Of Best YUM Command Examples For RHEL or CentOS users.

YUM or Yellowdog Updater, Modified is a free package management system for RPM-based Linux distributions. It is e de-facto tool for installing and maintaining packages on RHEL, CentOS, and few other Linux operating systems.

In this post, we are going to show you some of the best YUM command examples that might be of help.

Best YUM Command Examples For Everyone

Installing a package using YUM:

sudo yum install PACKAGE_Name

Removing a package using YUM:

sudo yum remove PACKAGE_Name

Update a package using YUM

sudo yum update PACKAGE_Name

YUM command to list out the package information

sudo yum list Package_Name

YUM command to display the package information

sudo yum info PACKAGE_Name

YUM command to find package

sudo yum search Package_Name

YUM command to display the installed package

sudo yum list installed

YUM command to check if the package has been already installed

sudo yum list installed | grep curl

YUM command to display the available updates of the packages

sudo yum list updates | less

YUM command to display the available updates of the system

sudo yum check-update

YUM command to update the system

sudo yum update

YUM command to upgrade RPM packages

sudo yum upgrade

YUM command to install package from the local file

sudo yum localinstall package-1-1.i686.rpm

YUM command to display the package group

sudo yum grouplist

YUM command to display the enabled and disabled repositories

sudo yum repolist enabled
sudo yum repolist disabled

YUM command to display all the repositories

sudo yum repolist all

YUM command to enable or disable repositories

sudo yum repolist all
sudo yum-config-manager --enable extras
sudo yum-config-manager --disable extras

YUM command to downgrade package

sudo yum downgrade package_name

YUM command to remove the cached package

sudo yum clean packages

YUM command to clean packages and metadata

sudo yum clean all

YUM command to display the package dependencies

 sudo yum deplist package_name
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