In this docker-compose tutorial, we will show you how to set a hostname in Docker Compose.
Docker is a platform as a service (PaaS) product that delivers software in packages called containers. A container is a standard unit of software that contains code and all its dependencies. Containers help the application to run in any environment without any issues. . A Docker container image is a package of software that includes everything needed to run an application.
How To Set Hostname In Docker Compose | Docker Compose Tutorial
The correct way of assigning a hostname in docker-compose is to define it under the service like this
- alias1
- alias2
But some users are experiencing issues with this method. If this is not working for you with docker run then assign the container a name like below:
docker-compose run --name alias1 some-service
Another simplest way is to just set the container name in the docker-compose.yml
image: phensley/docker-dns
container_name: affy