Tools To Create A Bootable Linux USB Drive

Tools To Create A Bootable Linux USB Drive In 2023

Insight: Tools To Create A Bootable Linux USB Drive

One of the easiest and the efficient way to install a Linux is via Bootable USB drive. In this post, we have mentioned some of the free tools to create a bootable Linux USB drive.

Tools To Create A Bootable Linux USB Drive

1. Unetbootin

Uneetbootin is a cross-platform,  open-source and free to use tool to make your USB bootable.

Best GUI Based USB Image Writer Tools On Linux

For Ubuntu Users:

Run the following command to install.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gezakovacs/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unetbootin

Download Unetbootin


2. Etcher – USB and SD Card Writer

Etcher is an open-source and cross-platform image writing tool. Etcher is developed using technologies like JS, HTML, node.js and GitHub’s Electron framework.

Download Etcher

3. Gnome Multi-Writer

Gnome Multi-Write is a tool developed by the official Gnome project team. It can be used to write an ISO file to multiple USB devices at once.

Download Gnome Multi-Writer

4. Rufus

Rufus is lightweight, small and easy to use the software. It is a portable USB, bootable maker. It is available on Windows-based platform.

Download Rufus

5. Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator

The Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator is a tool by Ubuntu which helps you to write the ISO image to your USB drive and make it bootable.

READ More Relevant Stuff:  Happy 30th Birthday Linux | One Of The Biggest Day In The History Of Tech

Download USB Startup Disk Creator


XBoot is an easy-to-use software to create Multiboot USB/ISO. One interesting feature is that you can compile multiple files like Linux, Antivirus rescue CDs, etc. into one Multiboot ISO file.

Download XBOOT

7. Universal USB Installer

Universal USB Installer is another easy to use Live Linux Bootable USB Creator. It is available for a Windows-based platform.

Download Universal USB Installer

8. Linux Live USB Creator

LinuxLive USB Creator is an open-source free to use software which is only available for Windows. It can be used to create portable, bootable and virtualized USB disk running Linux.

Download LLU


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