Fix "bash: netstat: command not found" error on Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Fix “bash: netstat: command not found” error on Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Fix “bash: netstat: command not found” error on Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Solution for the “bash: netstat: command not found” error on Debian/Ubuntu Linux is here. The netstat Linux command is used by system administrators.

What Is The Reason For the “bash: netstat: command not found” error?

You might know that the netstat command is no longer included by default in Ubuntu or in Debian and hence you will see the error if you try to run the command.

How To Fix “bash: netstat: command not found” error on Debian/Ubuntu Linux

A quick solution for this error is to install netstat command in Ubuntu or in Debian. Run the following command to install netstat tool on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install net-tools

This will solve the error in your system.

Meanwhile, let’s have a look into the usage of netstat command.

List All netstat Commands

netstat -h

List All Ports and Connections using nestat command:

Run the following netstat command to list all ports and connections.

netstat -a

List All TCP Ports

netstat -at

List All UDP Ports

netstat -au

List Only Listening Ports

netstat -l

List TCP Listening Ports

netstat -lt

List UDP Listening Ports

netstat -lu

Display PID

netstat -tp

Find Listening Programs

netstat -lp

Find a Process That Is Using a Particular Port using netstat command

netstat -an | grep ':[port number]'
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