Install Facebook Messenger On Ubuntu

Install Facebook Messenger On Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Insight: Tutorial To Install Facebook Messenger On Ubuntu

Facebook is world largest social media website for now. Billions of people connected through facebook. Facebook messenger is an important part of the Facebook. Facebook messenger has become the important part of daily lifestyle.

In this tutorial post, we will show the simple method to install facebook messenger on your Ubuntu system.

How To Install Facebook Messenger On Ubuntu

At first, lets download the  Facebook Messenger application from Github releases page. Download the required package (.dpkg) for your operating system.

Download Facebook Messenger For Ubuntu (.deb)

After downloading the required file, Open terminal in your Ubuntu system and run the following command in order to install Facebook messenger on Ubuntu operating system. Install Facebook messenger application debian package in Ubuntu using dpkg command.

cd ~/Downloads
sudo dpkg -i messengerfordesktop-2.0.7-linux-amd64.deb
sudo apt install -f

Now, Launch the Facebook messenger application from Application dash and login with your username and password.


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