Kali Linux 2021.2 Released : What's New

Kali Linux 2021.2 is now available for download with numerous changes and the addition of new features. Let’s have a look into the changes and the new features in this edition of Kali Linux 2021.2

Kali Linux 2021.2 Changelog:

  • Releasing Kaboxer v1.0 – You will see the Kali Applications Boxer v1.0 in Kali Linux 2021.12
  • Releasing Kali-Tweaks v1.0 – Our way to make it easier to configure Kali Linux to your taste
  • Refreshed Bleeding-Edge branch – We did a complete makeover for our backend that produces packages for the latest updates
  • Disabled privileged ports – Opening a listener on ports 1024/TCP-UDP and below no longer requires super-user access
  • Theme enhancements – We added a way to quickly swap between double & one-line terminal prompt and made Xfce4 Quick launch + file manager tweaks
  • Desktop wallpaper & login background updates – Default images have changed with more to choose from
  • Raspberry Pi images recharged – RPi 400 fully supported, built-in Bluetooth working, & first-run wait time dramatically reduced
  • Kali NetHunter support for Android 11 – Android 11 support and various other improvements for our NetHunter platform
  • More Docker support – Now supporting ARM64 & ARM v7 (along with the previous AMD64)
  • Parallels support – Kali is fully supported for Apple M1 users who have Parallels
  • Various bug fixes – Pkexec patched, Wireshark permissions, command-not-found issues, & more accessibility features are all resolved

Kali Linux 2021.2 Released: What’s New

One of the good news for the Raspberry users in this edition is support for the RPi 400. You will also see the new app called Kali-Tweaks v1.0 that lets you customize Kali to your own personal taste. Along with the Kali-Tweaks, you will also see the much anticipated Kaboxer v1.0 in the Kali Linux 2021.2. Along with this, Kali Linux is now fully supported for Apple M1 users who have Parallel.

They have patched the Linux kernel to remove the restriction of requiring privilege permission in order to use TCP & UDP ports under 1024 (meaning 0/TCP-UDP <= 1023/TCP-UDP). Some of the tools that you will see on Kali Linux 2021.2:

  • CloudBrute – Find a company infrastructure, files, and apps on the top cloud providers
  • Dirsearch – Brute force directories and files in web servers
  • Feroxbuster – Simple, fast, recursive content discovery
  • Ghidra – Reverse engineering framework
  • Pacu – AWS exploitation framework
  • Peirates – Kubernetes penetration
  • Quark-Engine – Android malware scoring system
  • VSCode a.k.a. Visual Studio Code Open Source (“Code-OSS”) – Code editor
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