Top Linux Interview Questions In 2021 [Updated]

List of important and top interview questions in 2021 for Linux users.

In this post, we are going to list the questions. We will obviously provide you the answers too but at the first why don’t you give it a try by yourself.

Top Linux Interview Questions In 2021 [Updated]


  1. What Is Linux? Explain the basic components of Linux?
  2. What is open source and what are the advantages of open-source?
  3. What is the differences between open source and close source software?
  4. Explain the differences between Linux and Unix?
  5. What is BASH?
  6. What is DOS?
  7. Explain the differences between BASH and DOS?
  8. What Is Linux Kernel and What is the role of it?
  9. What is LILO in Linux?
  10. What is SWAP space in Linux?
  11. What is GNU?
  12. What is CLI and GUI?
  13. What is use of a symbolic link in Linux?
  14. What is Soft link and Hard link?
  15. What are the file permissions in Linux?
  16. What is a virtual desktop?
  17. What is VI editor and what are the various modes?
  18. What is the process of appending one file to another in Linux?
  19. What are the daemons?
  20. What is the pwd command in Linux?
  21. What are the environment variables in Linux?
  22. What is the use of /usr/local directory?
  23. What is the command to find the status of a process in Linux?
  24. What is the root account?
  25. What is the command to check the memory status in Linux?
  26. How to enable root logging in Linux (Ubuntu)?
  27. Explain the grep command in Linux?
  28. How do you access partitions in Linux operating system?
  29. Give the example of a hard link and a soft link?
  30. Explain about GIT in Linux?
  31. How to list out the users in Linux?
  32. How to create a user account in Linux?
  33. What is the role of the localhost in Linux?
  34. What will you find in the home directory in Linux?

This much for now. We hope that you can easily solve these questions without any hesitations.

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