How To Mount Windows Share On Ubuntu Distro

Tutorial To Mount Windows Share On Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Operating System.

We will use CIFS or Common Internet File System in Ubuntu to access a particular mount point on a windows share. This tutorial will go through all steps of installing and mounting the Windows Share on Ubuntu Linux.

How To Mount Windows Share On Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

At first,

Install CIFS on Ubuntu operating system

Run the following commands in Ubuntu to install a common internet file system:

Install the cifs-utils package on Ubuntu Linux by using the following command line

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cifs-utils

Now, let’s go through the process for manually and automatically mounting windows share on Linux.

Creating a directory on your Ubuntu by the name winshare under /mnt

sudo mkdir /mnt/winshare

Note: /mnt/winshare is the mount point of the remote windows share.

Windows share can be mounted on your Ubuntu with the CIFS option of the mount command.

sudo mount -t cifs -o username=$windows_username,password=$windows_username_password //WIN_SHARE_IPAddressofthewindows/$shared_name /mnt/winshare

If the $windows_username is in a windows domain, you need to specify the domain, and run the following command to do that.

sudo mount -t cifs -o username=$windows_username,password=$windows_username_password,domain=$windows_domain_name //WIN_SHARE_IPaddressofthewindows/$shared_name /mnt/winshare

Once the windows share is successfully mounted, you can use command df -h to verify the mounting windows share in Linux.

df -h
Filesystem                 Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev                       3,9G     0  3,9G   0% /dev
tmpfs                      787M  2,2M  785M   1% /run
/dev/sda2                  450G   23G  405G   6% /
tmpfs                      3,9G  705M  3,2G  18% /dev/shm
tmpfs                      5,0M  4,0K  5,0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs                      3,9G     0  3,9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
//  300G  5,7G  295G   2% /mnt/winshare

Create a CIFS credentials file: /etc/cifs-credentials now with the following commands:

username = $windows_username
password = $windows_username_password
domain = $windows_domain_name

You also need to grant permission to read and write to the credentials file:

sudo chmod +rw /etc/cifs-credentials

Now, we can mount the share using credentials with commands as follows:

sudo mount -t cifs -o credentials=/etc/cifs-credentials //WIN_SHARE_IP/$shared_name /mnt/winshare

The drawback of the manual mount is that when you reboot your Linux machine, the shares will be lost. You need to configure the file /etc/fstab that contains the necessary configuration that allows automatically mount cifs permanently in Linux.

sudo vim /etc/fstab

Now add the following line to the file.

//WIN_SHARE_IPaddress/$shared_name /mnt/winshare cifs credentials=/etc/cifs-credentials,file_mode=0755,dir_node=0755 0 0

Run the command to mount all the entries listed in /etc/fstab

sudo mount -a

If you want to unmount a share, use the umount command:

sudo umount /mnt/winshare
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3 thoughts on “How To Mount Windows Share On Ubuntu 22.04 LTS”
  1. Just used this info – thank you.

    There is a type-o, however. The /etc/fstab example shows as “file_mode=0755,dir_node=0755”

    It should be “file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755” (mode, not node)

  2. A couple errors:
    1. The credentials file must not have any space between username=$username and password=$password.
    1. The fstab mount dir_node=755 is incorrect. I t should be dir_mode

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