Best Free Linux Application Launchers

Best Free Linux Application Launchers

Without any further explanations, Let’s see the list of some of the best free Linux application launchers. We would love to see your’s feedback regarding these launchers.

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Best Free Linux Application Launchers

1. Ulauncher

Ulauncher is a minimalist Linux application launchers.  It is designed to use low resources. It is written in Python using GTK+.

Best Free Linux Application Launchers

2. Avant Window Navigator

Avant Window Navigator or AWN is Mac OS X like panel. It is made for the GNOME Desktop. It has also a taskbar similar to Mac OS X dock.

3. Kupfer

Kupfer is a simple launcher which can be used to search and browse files in your operating system. You can also launch desired applications.

4. Launchy

Launchy is a free cross-platform Linux launcher to search your programs, Launch your documents, project files, folders, and bookmarks with just a few keystrokes.

After being started, Launchy hides in the background. You can easily bring it forward by holding the alt key and tapping the space key.

5. Synapse

Synapse is a semantic graphical launcher which is written in Vala. You can easily search a files, documents and also start applications.

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6. Gnome-Pie

Gnome-Pie is a circular application launcher. Yes it is in circular shape. It has beautiful GUI too. Gnome-Pie is made of several pies which is made of multiple slices.  You can launch applications by activating slices.


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